Your Business can Make It In McMinn!

Existing businesses in McMinn County know there are a number of advantages to be found in the area that help build success. Businesses looking to relocate or launch a startup in the area can take advantage of the same attributes to obtain their own successes! Those advantages include…

...a strategic location in the center of a thriving business landscape in southeastern Tennessee and beyond! McMinn County businesses find themselves about 45 minutes from the Chattanooga and Knoxville regions. Several quality and reliable interstates and highways deliver an unmatched transportation network reaching 200 million people within a 12-hour drive. Combined with commercial and freight air service ranging from regional to international airports, along with accessible rail service, shipping and receiving logistics will be a strength across any industry segment.

...available properties with excellent infrastructure, specifically at three world-class business parks. The North Etowah Industrial Park is CSX Select Site and Select Tennessee Certified, while Interstate Industrial Park and Mt. Verd Industrial Park each have great visibility for heavy manufacturing along Interstate 75 in Athens. excellent network of existing businesses in the food & beverage manufacturing and automotive supply manufacturing industries.

...a business community that exhibits impeccable fiscal responsibility, evidenced by the fact McMinn County is a debt-free county with a satisfying cost of living.

...a commitment to a sustainable business environment throughout the local business community, government organizations and citizens themselves. As a group, McMinn County seeks to balance economic growth with environmental and societal accountability.

Businesses that come to McMinn County will find the resources and support needed to deliver success!

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