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Available properties ready today in McMinn County!
Opportunity is the underlying theme for businesses and site selectors searching for locations for their operations. McMinn County is proud to have shovel-ready sites, open land and existing buildings available now that will match the needs of a broad range of industries. Please try our real estate search tools below or contact McMinn County Economic Development Authority for more information on finding the location that will help you Make It In McMinn!

75 Regional Commerce Park - SELECT TENNESSEE
Pleasant Grove Road
Sweetwater, TN 37874
150 acres $25,000

Interstate Industrial Park - PRIMARY DATA CENTER SITE
3002 George R Price Blvd
Athens,, TN 37303
50 acres $25,000

Mt. Verd Industrial Park
Adjacent to Interstate 75 (Exit 52) at Highway 305
Athens, McMinn, TN 37303

North Etowah Industrial Park Site - SELECT TENNESSEE
Jack King Drive and Industrial Drive
Etowah,, TN 3733
20 acres $20,000