In the world of hot tubs, Dynasty Spas makes a big splash | Made in Tennessee

16 Oct 2015

ATHENS, Tennessee (WVLT) -- East Tennessee is home to some major corporations that build products found all over the world. Dynasty Spas is headquartered in Athens, Tennessee and is no exception.

Imagine for a minute that you are sitting in your hot tub, enjoying a cool East Tennessee fall evening, when you suddenly have the desire to find out where your spa was made. With a yearly output of nearly 11,000 hot tubs, chances are it was built by Dynasty Spas.

And chances are pretty good that you haven't seen how a hot tub is made. It's not really a secret, but it's not something that typically gets a lot of press coverage to show off how innovative it can be. But the process for making a hot tub is, quite simply, pretty cool.

It starts with a piece of acrylic being heated up to 400 degrees, then stretched and immediately cooled over a mold. From there it's popped out, sprayed with fiberglass for structural integrity, built into a wooden frame, then drilled and cut for hoses and lights.

From start to finish, building a spa is a very hands-on job.

"We're real proud to be located right here in McMinn County Tennessee. The work ethic is really good here. And we really strive to get a lot of our parts and goods from other companies within Tennessee," said Sam Natter with Dynasty Spas....Read More and Watch Video