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Mayfield milk cartons being rebranded under new label
5 May 2015
Dean Foods will place all of its regional milk labels, including Mayfield Dairy, under one brand as part of a move to boost its business and tout the quality of its product.
The Dallas-based company, the largest U.S. milk processor with 36 percent of all U.S. milk sales, will start using the label "DairyPure" for its 31 brands of milk. The new label will be in addition to regional labels such as Mayfield, the 105-year-old dairy brand based in Athens, Tenn.
The new DairyPure label includes the company guarantee that all milk is tested for antibiotics and for purity, all milk comes from cows fed a healthy diet that doesn't include growth hormones and all milk is shipped fresh from local dairies, Dean Foods officials said in announcing the new labeling Monday.
Dean Foods has built up its business partly by acquiring local brands.
Among its stable of brands are Mayfield, Tuscan, Garelick Farms and PET Dairy. READ MORE